Korea university College of Science

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Courses and Syllabuses

College of Science, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Core Courses

EES 502 Advanced Structural Geology and Lab. Work [3]
Study on processes of the development of brittle and ductile structures and their interpretation.

EES 504 Analysis of Minerals and Ores [3]
Advanced lecture on emission spectrometry, atomic absorption spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence, electron microbeam probe analysis and etc. in order to identify and measure quantitatively the constituents in ore minerals.

EES 505 Advanced Mineralogy and Lab. Work [3]
Advanced lecture and experiments on crystallography, crystal chemistry, classification of silicates and their genetic environments.

EES 506 Advanced Geochemistry and Lab. Work [3]
General understanding the contents, distribution, dispersion, transport, and reaction of various chemical elements in diverse earth environments.

EES 507 Advanced Geophysics I [3]
Interpretation of geophysical data using theoretical model. Topics will include heat flow, gravity and magnetic potential data, etc.

EES 508 Advanced Geophysical Prospecting I [3]
Theory and application of seismic and electrical methods to geological problems and subsurface exploration.

EES 509 Advanced Hydrogeology [3]
Spatial variation and modeling approach of hydrogeologic parameters in saturated and unsaturated zones.

EES 510 Contaminant Transport [3]
Theory on contaminant transport in geologic formation.

EES 511 Graduate Seminar I [1]
Presentations of thesis works in progress for Master's students.

EES 512 Graduate Seminar II [1]
Presentations of thesis works in progress for Master's students.

EES 513 Graduate Seminar III [1]
Presentations of thesis works in progress for Ph.D. students.

EES 514 Graduate Seminar IV [1]
Presentations of thesis works in progress for Ph.D. students.

EES 517 Advanced Atmospheric Chemistry [3]
Phenomena studied include: fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes that affect the composition of the atmosphere. the chemical mechanisms that affect the production and fate of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and halogen-containing species in the atmosphere and their distribution in the troposphere, and an overview of the problem related to ozone and climate impact of the changes in the abundance of radiatively active gases.

EES 519 Petrogenesis [3]
Advanced petrology dealing with genesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

EES 520 Advanced Engineering Geology [3]
Principles and applications of site selection, design, and stability evaluation for surface and subsurface earthen structures.

EES 522 Advanced Soil Geochemistry [3]
Fundamental principles of soil geochemical processes occurring in surface and near-surface environments.

EES 523 Advanced Depositional Systems [3]
Advanced depositional systems is designed to give the students an overall expasure and understanding of a wide variety of clastic and carbonate depositional environments

Major Courses

PHY 552 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics [3]
Relativistic covariance, Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, Quantum Electrodynamics, Lamb shift, Covariant perturbation theory.(prerequisite:PHY 501, PHY 503, PHY 505)

PHY 601 Elementary Particles I [3]
Radioactivity, elementary particle detectors, various interactions, Dirac equation, high energy physics.

PHY 602 Elementary Particles II [3]
Conservation laws, symmetry, mass and lifetime of elementary particle, neutrino, neutron, muon, quarks, and SU(3) (prerequisite:PHY 601).

PHY 603 Special Topics in High Energy Physics [3]
Modern high energy physics experiments, instrumentations, and on-line system detector.

PHY 604 Special Topics in Elementary Particle Physics [3]
Fundamental particles, fundamental interactions, theory of strong interaction, theory of weak interaction, and quantum theory of electromagnetism.

PHY 605 Advanced Computational Physics [3]
Advanced computational technique such as Mathmatica, Maple, and Reduce.

PHY 611 Nuclear Physics I [3]
Composition and size of atomic nucleus, stability of nucleus, electric and magnetic moments of nucleus, radio-active decay and transformation, models of nucleus, and nuclear force.

PHY 612 Nuclear Physics II [3]
Theory and experiment on radioactive decay, theory and experiment on nuclear reaction, atomic force, nuclear fusion, neutron, elementary particles (prerequisite:PHY 611).

PHY 613 Nuclear Spectroscopy [3]
Stability of nucleus, effect of symmetry and pair interaction, energy levels and quantum numbers, classification of the low-energy states, and angular momentum.

PHY 614 Theory of Nuclear Structure [3]
Different models for nucleus, experiments, mean potential, magic number, LS and JJ interaction, and transformation of nucleus.

PHY 615 General Theory of Relativity [3]
Tensor algebra, field equations, experimental evidence, gravitation theory, relativistic universe, and grand unification theory.

PHY 621 Condensed Matter Physics I [3]
Crystal lattice structures, crystal formation, phonons, free electron gas, energy band, semiconductor, metal, Fermi surface, and polaron.

PHY 622 Condensed Matter Physics II [3]
Optical properties of solids, superconductivity, conductors, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials, NMR, glass, and defects and grain boundaries of crystals (prerequisite: PHY 621).

PHY 623 Theoretical Solid State Physics [3]
Phonon, many-body theory, transport phenomena, phonon-phonon, electron-phonon, and electron-electron interactions, magnetic materials and spin waves, applications of Green function method (prerequisite:PHY 622).

PHY 624 Group Theory for Solid State Application [3]
Definition of groups, representation, usage in quantum mechanics, groups and symmetries of crystals, and applications in condensed matter physics (prerequisite:PHY 621).

PHY 625 Crystallography [3]
Crystal structures, reciprocal lattice, stereogram, X-ray diffraction experiments, Laue patterns, powder, and applications in precision camera (prerequisite:PHY621).

PHY 626 Solid State Spectroscopy [3]
Theories and experiments on NMR, NQR, EPR spectroscopy, and theories on shift and broadening of resonance lines (prerequisite:PHY 621).

PHY 631 Quantum Optics I [3]
Theory and experiments on laser.

PHY 632 Quantum Optics II [3]
Quantum mechanics of light, nonlinear optics, and theory of light scattering (prerequisite: PHY 635).

PHY 633 Materials Physics I [3]
Applied physics, in particular, theory and application of magnetism.

PHY 634 Materials Physics II [3]
Properties of non-crystalline materials

PHY 635 Applied Optics I [3]
Geometrical optics, spectroscopy, and light scattering

PHY 636 Applied Optics II [3]
Raman scattering, Brillouin spectroscopy, high-resolution spectroscopy, and femtosecond spectroscopy (prerequisite:PHY 631).

PHY 641 Statistical Physics I [3]
Thermodynamic laws and applications, ideal gas law, Boltzmann theory, transportation, ensemble theory, phase transitions and critical phenomena.

PHY 642 Statistical Physics II [3]
Quantum statistics and partition function, ideal fermi and bose gas, quantum fluids and its application (prerequisite:PHY 641).

PHY 643 Many Body Theory I [3]
Reviews on quantum statistics and advanced theories on Fermion system.

PHY 644 Many Body Theory II [3]
Reviews on quantum statistics and advanced theories on Boson system.

PHY 645 Stochastic Processes in Physics I [3]
Mathematical backgrounds, random flights, Markoff's process, Langevin equation, and Fokker-Planck equation (prerequisite:PHY 641).

PHY 646 Stochastic Processes in Physics II [3]
Probability after-effects, colloid statistics, theory of coagulation, sedimentation, fluctuation, and stellar dynamics (prerequisite:PHY 641).

PHY 651 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos I [3]
Nonlinear differential equations, maps, linear stability theory, attractors and repellers, bifurcation and normal-form theory, phenomena of deterministic chaos, various routes to chaos, and Fractals.

PHY 652 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos II [3]
Characterization of chaotic systems, functional renormalization theory, nonlinear timeseries analysis, chaos in Hamiltonian systems, KAM theorem and anomalous diffusion, synchronization and spatio-temporal chaos.

PHY 653 Instabilities in Nonequilibrium Systems [3]
Various pattern forming mechanisms in physical, chemical, and biological systems (Faraday instability, Rayleigh-Bernard instability, Marangoni instability, Taylor-Coutte instability, Helmholtz instability, Turing instability, excitable dynamics, front instability, and etc).

PHY 661 Biophysics I [3]
Physical analysis and modeling on various bio-physical phenomena, excitable media and reaction-diffusion systems, morphogenic developmental processes of biological forms, physics of neurons and neural network, nonlinear time series analysis and statistical analysis on various biological time series.

PHY 662 Biophysics II [3]
Molecular motors, DNA-chip and Neuro-chip, confocal and multi-photon laser scanning microscopy, optical tweezer, biomicrofluidics, protein folding, and gene network dynamics.

PHY 701 Quantum Field Theory I [3]
Lorentz group, Klein-Gordon equation, Dirac equation, and second quantization (prerequisite:PHY 601).

PHY 702 Quantum Field Theory II [3]
Mutually interacting fields, scattering theory, S-matrix, Feynmann diagram, renormalization theory, and axiomatic formulation (prerequisite:PHY 701).

PHY 703 Special Topics in Detector Theory [3]
Properties of high-energy detectors, capabilities, mechanisms, and its applications.

PHY 704 Special Topics in Quantum Field Theory [3]
Gauge theory, standard model, quantum electromagnetism, and special topics in quantum field theory.

PHY 711 Special Topics in Nuclear Physics [3]
Up-to-date topics in nuclear physics (prerequisite:PHY 611).

PHY 712 Special Topics in Nuclear Physics Experiment [3]
Up-to-date topics in nuclear physics experiment (prerequisite:PHY 611).

PHY 713 Theory of Collision [3]
Basic physics of collision and scattering, scattering in central force field, nonrelativistic collision, elastic and inelastic collision, and relativistic collision (prerequisite:PHY 611).

PHY 714 Heavy Nuclear Collision Physics [3]
Properties of nuclear matter and hadrons in hot, dense environment and their relations to early universe.

PHY 721 Special Topics in Solid State Physics I [3]
Up-to-date topics in solid state physics (prerequisite:PHY 621).

PHY 722 Special Topics in Solid State Physics II [3]
The second part of PHY 721.

PHY 723 Advanced Solid State Physics I [3]
Similar to PHY 721 & 722, but more advanced topics.

PHY 724 Advanced Solid State Physics II [3]
Second part of advanced solid state physics.

PHY 725 Electrical Transport Theory and Experiment I [3]
Mesoscopic electrical transport theory and experiment [recommended prerequisite : PHY 505, 621].

PHY 726 Electrical Transport Theory and Experiment II [3]
The second part of PHY 725.

PHY 727 Highlight in recent fusion research [3]
Deep review on nanoscale science and technologies with NT, NtT+IT, NT+BT etc. [prerequisite : PHY 621]

PHY 731 Special Topics in Applied Physics I [3]
Applications in physics related area, plasma dynamics, vacuum, ion beams, and measurements.

PHY 732 Special Topics in Applied Physics II [3]
Second part of special topics in applied physics.

PHY 733 Nonlinear Optics I [3]
2nd and 3rd-order nonlinear optics, phase conjugation, stimulated Brillouin scattering, and stimulated Raman scattering.

PHY 734 Nonlinear Optics II [3]
The second part of PHY 733.

PHY 735 Atomic Spectroscopy I [3]
Spectroscopy on atoms using laser, and cooling and trapping of atoms.

PHY 736 Atomic Spectroscopy II [3]
The second part of Phy 735.

PHY 741 Special Topics in Equilibrium Statistical Physics I [3]
Brownian motion, randon walk, liquid helium, Ising model solution, phase transition, and critical phenomena (prerequsite:PHY 641).

PHY 742 Special Topics in Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics II [3]
Second part of special topics in equilibrium statistical physics (prerequsite:PHY 641).

PHY 743 Special Topics in Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics I [3]
Kinetic equation and hydrodynamics, transport coefficients, and dynamics of correlation (prerequisite:PHY 642).

PHY 744 Special Topics in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics II [3]
Dynamics and sub-dynamics of ideal systems and interacting systems, and dynamics of fluctuation and correlation (prerequisite:PHY 743).

PHY 745 Research in Statistical Physics I [3]
Independent study on current topics in statistical physics.

PHY 746 Research in Statistical Physics II [3]
The second part of PHY 745.

PHY 751 Special Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics I [3]
Reviews on current research topics in nonlinear dynamics and nonequilibrium pattern formation.

PHY 752 Special Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics II [3]
The second part of PHY 751.

PHY 761 Special Topics in Biophysics I [3]
Reviews and discussions on up-to-date issues in biophysics.

PHY 762 Special Topics in Biophysics II [3]
The second part of PHY 761.

PHY 763 Special Topics on Molecular Biophysics I [3]
Recent progress on the molecular biophysics.

PHY 764 Special Topics on Molecular Biophysics II [3]
The second part of PHY 763.

PHY 771 Optical Properties of Semiconductors [3]
Semiconductor band theory, optical experiments (photoluminescence, absorption, Raman etc.) quantum effect of semiconductor hetrostructures, semiconductor optical devices. (prerequisite:PHY 621, 622)

PHY 772 Semiconductor nano-structures [3]
III-V, II-VI, compound semiconductors, Semiconductor quantum wells, Superlattice strtuctures, Quantum effect of semiconductor hetrostructures, Semiconductor devices. (prerequisite:PHY 621, 622)

PHY 773 Research in Spintronics [3]
Lecture and discussion on the spin related phenomena in magnetic material, semiconductor, and optics

PHY 801 Research in High Energy Physics [3]
Research topics for thesis in high energy physics.

PHY 802 Research in Elementary Particle Physics [3]
Research topics for thesis in elementary particle physics

PHY 811 Research in Nuclear Physics I [3]
Research topics for thesis in nuclear physics.

PHY 812 Research in Nuclear Physics II [3]
Research topics for thesis in nuclear physics.

PHY 821 Research in Solid State Physics I [3]
Research topics for thesis in solid state physics.

PHY 822 Research in Solid State Physics II [3]
Research topics for thesis in solid state physics.

PHY 831 Research in Applied Physics [3]
Research topics of recent papers in applied physics.

PHY 832 Research in Materials Physics [3]
Research topics of recent papers on physical properties of solid, liquid, and gas.

PHY 841 Research in Quantum Optics I [3]
Research topics for thesis in quantum optics.

PHY 842 Research in Quantum Optics II [3]
Research topics for thesis in quantum optics.

PHY 843 Research in Nano Optics I [3]
Research topics for thesis in nano optics.

PHY 844 Research in Nano Optics II [3]
The second part of PHY 843.

PHY 845 Special Topics in Atomic Physics I [3]
Theory of atomic structure, spectroscopic technique using laser, introduction to the precision measurement, guide to the thesis research.

PHY 846 Special Topics in Atomic Physics II [3]
The second part of PHY 845.

PHY 851 Special Topics in Advanced Physics I [3]
Introduction to various on-going research topics.

PHY 852 Special Topics in Advanced Physics II [3]
introduction to various on-going research topics.

PHY 853 Seminars in Advanced Physics I [3]
Seminars on up-to-date research topics.

PHY 854 Seminars in Advanced Physics II [3]
Seminars on up-to-date research topics.

PHY 861 Research in Nonlinear Optics [3]
Research topics for thesis in nonlinear optics.

PHY 862 Bioimaging I [3]
Introduction of general-purpose bioimaging techniques such as confocal microscopy, nonlinear optical microscopy, phase contrast microscopy, differential interference contrast microscopy and optical coherence tomography. Construction of imaging systems, and their biological and biomedical applications.

PHY 863 Bioimaging II [3]
Principles and applications of advanced imaging methods such as super-resolution microscopy, 3D phase microscopy, digital holographic microscopy, endoscopy and x-ray tomography.